Playing in the Light: Second training in Philadelphia region September 20-22

Friends in the Philly region — and everywhere! 

We’re delighted to announce a second “Playing in the Light” training (Godly Play/Faith & Play training for Quakers) in the Philadelphia region, the weekend of September 20-22 at West Chester Friends Meeting in West Chester, PA. The training will be facilitated by licensed trainer Melinda Wenner Bradley. 

This experiential approach to religious education can transform your program for children and nurture intergenerational spiritual community. Learn and practice a method of storytelling grounded in deep respect for children, that explores the existential limits of their lives through wonder, play, and stories from the Bible and Quaker faith and practice. Discussions include:

  • nurturing the spirituality of children
  • exploring the “unspoken” lessons of spaces and methodology
  • supporting children and families in the meeting community
  • working with multiage groups and diverse needs
  • weaving Godly Play/Faith & Play stories into a children’s program with other religious education resources available to Friends.


Playing in the Light Training Schedule:  

Questions? Reach out to the trainer:

1. Asynchronous reading for participants before online introduction session:

  • Book: Teaching Godly Play: How to Mentor the Spiritual Development of Children
  • Selections (PDF) from the Faith & Play Stories publication provided by the trainer

2. Online Introduction Session: Monday, September 16, 7-8:30pm (ET)

3. In-person weekend hosted at West Chester Friends Meeting

  • Friday, September 20, 5:30p – 9:00p
  • Saturday, September 21, 8:30a – 6:00p
  • Sunday, September 22, 8:30a – 10:00a

4. Optional Online Check-in: post-training Date TBD, 90 minutes